The Dr. Slick Brass Standard Whip Finisher is a very affordable Matarelli-style whip finisher. We ha ...
The Dr. Slick Brass Standard Whip Finisher is a very affordable Matarelli-style whip finisher. We have found this style of finisher to be the easiest to use and will very accurately place your finishing knot.
Blowing through normal packs of rabbit? Save a few bucks and a bunch of plastic packaging by buying ...
Blowing through normal packs of rabbit? Save a few bucks and a bunch of plastic packaging by buying a whole hide! There are 32 twelve inch strips in a bag. These are the best quality hides we have found. Strips are 1/8" wide.
Montana Fly Company's Wiggle Lemming is as real as it gets when it comes to mouse flies. The long ta ...
Montana Fly Company's Wiggle Lemming is as real as it gets when it comes to mouse flies. The long tail and articulated rear end really make this fly look like a mouse swimming in the current. We consistently see some of the biggest rainbows falling for this pattern.
If you are doing a float trip with Wild River Guides, this is the bead selection they would like you ...
If you are doing a float trip with Wild River Guides, this is the bead selection they would like you to have. It includes a wide variety of beads, hooks in two sizes, split shot in two sizes as well as bead pegs. All in a rugged compartmentalized box. It is ideal for one angler for a weeks fishing.
The Black Wild Thing with a red head is a fabulous upriver fly for silvers and kings. It is a 'Top 5 ...
The Black Wild Thing with a red head is a fabulous upriver fly for silvers and kings. It is a 'Top 5' Bristol Bay chum fly as well. A 2 1/2" long strung out-style fly, it has the perfect combination of weight, movement and flash. It now features a stronger, heavier wire Gamakatsu Octopus #1 hook.
The Wild Thing has been one of our top king and silver flies for the past few seasons. So adding a c ...
The Wild Thing has been one of our top king and silver flies for the past few seasons. So adding a chartreuse version was a natural. Swing this baby for chrome kings, tidewater silvers and even chum. A 2 1/2″ long strung out-style fly, it has the perfect combination of weight, movement and flash. It now features a stronger, heavier wire Gamakatsu Octopus #1 hook.
The Wildthing has proven itself as one of our top silver salmon producers. It is also a deadly rainb ...
The Wildthing has proven itself as one of our top silver salmon producers. It is also a deadly rainbow trout and king salmon fly. A 2 1/2" long strung out-style fly, it has the perfect combination of weight, movement and flash. It now features a stronger, heavier wire Gamakatsu Octopus #1 hook.
The Purple Wild Thing is flashy, easy to cast attractor fly with a stinger hook. Awesome for silvers ...
The Purple Wild Thing is flashy, easy to cast attractor fly with a stinger hook. Awesome for silvers, kings, chum and rainbows. It now features a stronger, heavier wire Gamakatsu Octopus #1 hook.
The Willie Nelson in Olive is a deadly fly for big rainbows. Fish it on the swing in deep runs or pu ...
The Willie Nelson in Olive is a deadly fly for big rainbows. Fish it on the swing in deep runs or put split shot in front of it and fish it like a sculpin. This fly is money.
Check out the 'Joker' version of Willie Nelson. Purple with a green head has until recently been a g ...
Check out the 'Joker' version of Willie Nelson. Purple with a green head has until recently been a guide secret on the rainbow rivers of Bristol Bay. Try swinging this wicked fly on the Naknek, Kvichak or any other flow where big beasty rainbows live! It is also a top notch steelhead swinging fly.
The Willie Nelson has accounted for some enormous trout on the Kenai and Bristol Bay. Try swinging W ...
The Willie Nelson has accounted for some enormous trout on the Kenai and Bristol Bay. Try swinging Willie early in the season before the salmon egg drop begins or as a change up fly when flesh isn't producing.
The Creamy Pink Willie Nelson is one of Alaska's top trout catchers. Swing it on any river where big ...
The Creamy Pink Willie Nelson is one of Alaska's top trout catchers. Swing it on any river where big beasty rainbows live! There is something about a 3 inch string leech with a red head that trout can't resist.
Take one of Alaska's top trout catchers, the Willie Nelson, turn him into a flesh fly and you have a ...
Take one of Alaska's top trout catchers, the Willie Nelson, turn him into a flesh fly and you have a winner on your hands. There is something about a 3 inch string leech with a red head that trout can't resist. Our custom Flesh Willie Nelson is a must-have flesh fly.
The Air 2 is the perfect combination of effortless, smooth casting and all the power you'll ever nee ...
The Air 2 is the perfect combination of effortless, smooth casting and all the power you'll ever need. The "Winston feel" is in full force with this rod. If you haven't experienced it before, the old saying "less is more" sums it up. An easy casting stroke will deliver laser loops you won't believe. And the medium fast action and taper make for a rod that roll casts like a dream. Trout rods don't get any better than the Winston Air 2.
The Air 2 Max replaces both the Alpha+ and Air Salt. If you think the Air 2 Max would have to be e ...
The Air 2 Max replaces both the Alpha+ and Air Salt. If you think the Air 2 Max would have to be exceptional to replace two separate rod models, you would be right.
The Worm Bite is a sneaky little bonefish pattern that produces anywhere sparse patterns work. This ...
The Worm Bite is a sneaky little bonefish pattern that produces anywhere sparse patterns work. This fly is a winner for Christmas Island, the South Pacific or when big spooky bones won't take larger flies.
Check out this wicked little trout and grayling fly. The Worm Farm has a gummy wiggly tail, seductiv ...
Check out this wicked little trout and grayling fly. The Worm Farm has a gummy wiggly tail, seductive CDC collar and a heavy tungsten bead. Cutthroat trout, grayling and rainbows pounce on this fly! and the barbless 45-degree jig hook makes releases a breeze.