Mirage Flashabou is our favorite material for adding flash to baitfish patterns. Only a few strands ...
Mirage Flashabou is our favorite material for adding flash to baitfish patterns. Only a few strands are needed to give a Clouser Minnow a blast of light that predatory fish can't resist!
These are some of the nicest quality strung Guinea Feathers we have found. They fold nicely and make ...
These are some of the nicest quality strung Guinea Feathers we have found. They fold nicely and make beautiful, mottled collars on salmon and steelhead flies.
UV Galaxy Mop Chenille from Hareline. Wide array of colors. UV treated for the best fluorescing. Gre ...
UV Galaxy Mop Chenille from Hareline. Wide array of colors. UV treated for the best fluorescing. Great to use in place of standard chenille or New Age Chenille.
The TMC 811S is the sharpest saltwater hook we have found. We use it to tie all our Clouser Minnows ...
The TMC 811S is the sharpest saltwater hook we have found. We use it to tie all our Clouser Minnows for salmon. Stainless Steel and straight eye. 25 per pack.
Fish Skull Living Eyes are super realistic holographic eyes. They can either be stuck to Cross Eyed ...
Fish Skull Living Eyes are super realistic holographic eyes. They can either be stuck to Cross Eyed Cones or put directly on the head of a saltwater pattern. They come in Ice (Clear Pearl colored) or Fire (Red). 20 per pack except the 10mm which has 16.
Blue Fox Tail makes wonderfully supple tails and wings on salmon and trout flies. It also can be put ...
Blue Fox Tail makes wonderfully supple tails and wings on salmon and trout flies. It also can be put in a dubbing loop and made into a collar. All colors have dark tips. i.e. the pink is mostly pink in color with dark brownish tips.
All the materials you need to tie 12 Pink Hareball Leeches. Size 1/0 salmon hooks, Cactus Chenille, ...
All the materials you need to tie 12 Pink Hareball Leeches. Size 1/0 salmon hooks, Cactus Chenille, rabbit strips, lead eyes, schlappen, thread, and a sample fly. Check out the video on our site for complete tying instructions. The Hareball Leech is one of Alaska's most effective salmon flies. From silvers to kings to chum, Hareballs catch fish!
Senyo's Articulated Shanks are perfect for tying contemporary steelhead and salmon patterns. Their s ...
Senyo's Articulated Shanks are perfect for tying contemporary steelhead and salmon patterns. Their slight up eye, ease of clamping in the vise, and vibrant colors really set them apart. 20 per pack.
New Age Krinkle Flash comes in great Alaska colors and perfectly matches the super-popular New Age C ...
New Age Krinkle Flash comes in great Alaska colors and perfectly matches the super-popular New Age Chenille.
When you need the very strongest thread go with kevlar. We like it for tying glo bugs or spinning sc ...
When you need the very strongest thread go with kevlar. We like it for tying glo bugs or spinning sculpin wool head flies. 50 yards per spool.
Black Dazl Eyes give your fly a stealth bomber look. When you want lead eyes but in a toned-down way ...
Black Dazl Eyes give your fly a stealth bomber look. When you want lead eyes but in a toned-down way, go with these. Dazl Eyes are perfectly machined from non-toxic brass and are more durable than lead. 25 per pack except 7/32" which has 20.