8/15/2024 Fishing Report
The coho fishing has been steadily ramping up with these massive tides and the rain on the way should also help bring more cohos into the area. Sheep Creek has been the best fishing these last several days, but 9-Mile and Bayview are starting to produce more fish as well.
Montana Creek briefly had a decent amount of water and fish well, but it is now back to super low, as is Fish Creek still. This is all about to change, however. Cowee Creek out the road has continued to be the best spot for some freshwater Dolly fishing. Once this next round of rain hits and flushes the last chums the beading will get a bit tricky. Color and size match is a must, but flies will start working better again as well.
As of now we only have 23 people signed up for the coho derby, so the odds are good! The fishing starts this Saturday. You can sign up after Saturday and participate, we will run this contest until we have a winner. This will be a channel coho contest, the first angler to catch a coho and get 3 photos WITH THE 3 SEPERATE FLIES IN ITS MOUTH will win a Plan D Pack MAX fly box filled with 40 of our favorite coho flies, a $250 value.
The rules are simple:
Step 1: Come into the fly shop and register with your name, phone #, email address and fly selections (you will need to purchase the first three flies).
Step 2: Select one Dolly Llama, one Clouser Minnow and one Fly of Your Choice. We will record your choices at the shop. NOTE, once you pick the pattern and color combo that is your choice for the contest. If you lose the fly, you may keep trying with others, but they MUST BE THE SAME COLOR COMBINATION.
Step 3: Starting on Saturday August 24th pick your spot ON SHORE in the GASTINEAU CHANNEL and be the first angler to catch three cohos on your three flies.
Step 4: Win a $250 fly box and bragging rights.

As always, we love featuring your photos for our fishing reports. If you have a great fish, scenery, or action photo that has to do with fishing around town send it our way! You can email photos or videos to cory@alaskaflyfishinggoods.com. Please remember to handle fish with care, especially if you are practicing catch and release. Consider getting a net with a rubber basket to help land fish quickly, pinch your barbs and keep them in the water until you are ready to snap a quick photo.
See you on the water!
The Crew at AFFG
Listed below are the hot patterns of the week. Fisheries change here through-out the season and so do the best patterns to use. Below are some of the recommended flies for the current fisheries. Happy fishing!