The 10′ Custom T-Tips from Airflo are perfect for situations where a short fast tip will get you into the zone. 10 feet is the perfect length when matched with a Skagit Head for Short Spey and Switch rods.
Airflo T-Tips 10′
Sink Tips are a staple of of serious fly anglers the world over.
Whether you’re swinging soft hackles in the fall or heavy intruders in the raging waters of winters excess, Airflo makes a sink tip that will work for you.
Airflo’s sink tips have long been the industry benchmark for quality factory-welded loops, and due to the unique material qualities of polyurethane Airflo continues to make the strongest, slimmest loops out there.
The 10′ lengths are perfect for Short Spey and Switch Rods when matched with the appropriate Skagit head.
Sink Rate:
T-7 = 7 inches per second
T-10 = 8 inches per second
T-14 = 9 iches per second
T-18 = 10 inches per second

Brad Elfers has been a fly fishing & river guide in Alaska since 1993.He opened Alaska Fly Fishing Goods in 1998.
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