Get ready Juneau! Because it is time for our annual:
We upped the prize this year and the winner will take home a Simms Ambidextrous Sling Pack! Not too shabby...

Grand Prize - Simms Ambidextrous Sling Pack!
The second coho caught will receive the hat of their choice from our epic wall of hats.

Second Prize.
Here is the fine print:
- All photos must be titled with the photographer's name and the photo location.
- All photos must be taken off the Juneau road system and while fishing on foot. No boat caught coho!
- Submitted photos must be your own.
- By submitting your photo, you grant permission for Alaska Fly Fishing Goods to use your photo, credited to your name, on social media after the contest period has ended.
Email photos to Or tag us @alaskaflyfisinggoods and use the hashtag #roadsystemcoho.
And because we frequently are asked "When are the cohos going to show up?"..... here is our two cents on how the run progresses on a typical year.
- The first road system coho usually gets caught somewhere between August 1 and August 10.
- Around August 15-20 the run builds and there are fishable numbers of coho around, especially at Sheep Creek and in the Channel around Bayview.
- September 1 - 15 is the peak abundance of the run with coho being all over the place. Wild fish in the rivers, such as Cowee Creek and Montana Creek, are peaking as well.
- September 15 - 30 there are still coho coming but the run starts tapering. There are fewer dime bright fish but the fishing is excellent.
- October is anyone's guess. Some years the fishing keeps chugging along into the middle of the month. Other years it seems like there isn't a coho to be found.
We can't wait to see that first coho. Get out there and give it a go!