Fishing on the Kenai is ramping up. There are reports that the sockeye spawn is in its early phases in the upper river and refuge. Fish are starting to pair up and dig redds. This means some serious bead time is in the near future. Fresh colors in 6mm and 8mm are producing. Very few kings made it into the upper river this year, meaning not a lot of spawning kings. When found though, 10mm beads are the size of choice.

The tributaries like Quartz Creek are starting to heat up with great dolly fishing. 6mm and 8mm beads are the size. The Russian is still fishing well and should continue to be productive as the sockeye spawn goes into full swing. Please remember that there are regulations specific to these areas. Here’s a link to ADF&G Regulations for the Kenai Penisula. Be sure to check and see if there are any emergency closures or updates.

Silver fishing is still in its early phases. Very few rumors of silvers in the middle and nill on the upper. Fish should start to show up in fishable numbers in the few weeks. For those wanting to fish silvers, lower in the river is the best bet.